5/2/2016 0 Comments Personal LegacyWe often live our lives day by day, not planning for the future or considering the after affections of our decisions and choices. What motivates us to make a positive impact on the world? What will it take for us to look at the big picture of our lives and transform short-term decisions to long-term results? The true question is, what legacy would you like to leave behind? How would you like to be remembered and are you on the path to achieving that?
2/16/2012 0 Comments Time ManagementWhat could you accomplish if you had more time? A friend of mine who was a college professor gave an assignment to his students, “No television for two weeks, and through journaling, I’d like to know how you’ve spent that extra time.” The changes, results, and impact on the students were miraculous. They spent more time reading, interacting with friends, staying active (sports and gym activities), and most importantly they were engaged in something that helped them grow. Television is just one example of how we spend our time; what happens in the office when TV isn’t a distraction? Often times, distractions are so common that when the day passes you by and at 5 pm, you wonder why you didn’t get anything accomplished. Do you recall learning the 80/20 rule? This has been interpreted in many ways including, 80% of the work is completed by 20% of the people, or 80% of the revenue is brought in by 20% of the clients. Regardless of how you interpret it, let’s make the most of the 20%! Here are some suggestions to maximize your time and feel more accomplished on a daily basis:
When it comes to time management, ask yourself these questions to confirm you are doing the tasks that will help you feel good about how you spend your time: Why am I doing this? What is the goal? Is this the best utilization of my time?